Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chicken what?

And the health issues go on in our house :( I swear that I have been in the doctors office 1-3 times a month all year. :( Ear infections, croup, almost pneumonia. and if you have more than one kid, the second one gets what the first one had the next week, and you are back again!!! The nurse there knows us by name. Well, this time it was CHICKEN POX.  I have no idea where they came from. Not one single person that I know has had them recently. And by recently I mean in the last 10 years!! Princess got them first. It started on the back of her neck. It looked like she had on a necklace, and it got yanked which left a red mark. Then it got bigger. and bigger. and crustier. and BIGGER. then it started getting little spots around the first area and started spreading to the fold of skin above it that was touching it. It wasn't getting better at all with neosporin.  Plus there were a few other spots on her tummy that looked suspicious. So I took her in. again. And the doctor said text book chicken pox!! They don't get the vaccine until they turn 1, so she just missed the mark :(. It got so bad on her neck. It was one HUGE open weepy, crusty sore.  Seriously as big as a baseball. She didn't seem to mind too much though. she acted pretty normal and slept normal. She is pretty cranky anyway, but at least it wasn't worse. But Dozer had had the vaccine so I thought he would be safe.  NO. He wasn't. The pic of her is before the worst. She had them as bad as he did.
His is also before the worst. He didn't get more, they just got bigger. And crustier. They look awful. And when I touch him I can feel them through his shirt they are so big. :(
This poor area here on his back is the hardest because it is right under his pants. I have had to put a large gauze pad with tape on him to cover it. :( He has handled it pretty good, but not as good as princess did. He wakes up in the night crying saying they itch.  He doesn't like to get changed or dressed.  but he doesn't like to look at them either. I think they kinda scare him. :(  poor guy. so much for that vaccine! And what do you know, I got them, too!! I have never had them, so I got the vaccine a while back. I only got 3 though. 

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