Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Beginning?

So I have decided, for reasons still not entirely known to me, to start a blog. For better or worse still to be determined :). Anyway, here we are. Background on us: My husband is a pharmacist and manages the one he works at. And, I am a pharmacist, and I dont manage the one I work at. That's definitely not something I enjoy if you know me at all :). We have one son so far who is 15 mo old. He aquired the nick name of 'Dozer' early on because of his tendency to just plow through anything in his way without even blinking. It is amazing how much one little person can consume your life, but it is the best thing we've ever done and never could have imagined how much we could love him! We live near the big city, but just far enough away that we still get stuck behind tractors in the summer. It is so perfect for us right now! We love the convenience and love the country feel. Now if only it was closer to family :(. We also have a big lot that we have enjoyed so much. We have a 1500 square ft garden, 9 fruit trees, a fire ring, 2 goats, 2 chickens, and 2 dogs. I also had 2 bunnies but some unfortunate events happened and we started our animal graveyard unexpectedly. :( So, I tried to pick a title that captures our essence, but I had a hard time because there are so many aspects of our lives! But I came up with big city pharmers because that seems to fit a bunch all at once.

Recently, I've found it really easy to watch Dozer, and i've come across a lot of free time. We decided to try to have another baby, but sadly, it didnt work out. So, to try to keep my mind off things I've tried to get some things accomplished. (thus the blog) And I've been working on my emergency preparedness as of late. I never really cared much about food storage or 72 hour kits or what not, but now that I have a child, I am so consumed for his health and safety! I never would have imagined how a baby could change everything about me :). But even the thought of him being hungry in an emergency because I wasnt smart enough to prepare just crushes me. So yay for Dozer kicking my butt in gear! We have also accumulated a great start to our food storage, and I've been rather proud of myself for actually accomplishing something. :) Anyway, we'll see how good i actually do keeping up with this. Wish me luck!


  1. YAY Megan I am so excited you started a blog! I love blogging!! It has been something that has really helped me with everything that happened with Brynn.

    Love ya

  2. Good job on the food storage. We talk about it a lot but we aren't so good about getting it going.
    I hope you keep up the blog!!!

  3. I am so excited you started a blog! Des is just so dang cute, and I am excited to read about all of your adventures!

  4. Hooray Meg!!! My blog is not nearly as cute as yours. You have also found way better ways to fill in your free time. You ROCK!!! I hope you continue blogging!
