Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Anybody else ever had this kind of a day? Ha!
Here is a bundle of pics :).

Bow is a little crooked in this one below haha

First Smile i caught :) 6 wks

My sister's baby who is 3 weeks older. :)

My super cutie pie!!

Some updates on my favorite boy :). He is still obsessed with letters, so old news there. But now he is READING. No, not just reciting words he has already memorized. He can actually read! He reads entire books by himself now. It's pretty incredible. He has also been showing interest in other things as well though! I know! Total shock! The movie Cars is one of the new interests. And he also loves things every kid loves. Like popsicles.

He likes to be in "cave" like areas. Like this:
And he likes capes :). (this is my nursing cover. )

He discovered what the camera was and what it did this day. :) He liked posing then looking at the picture I took of him.
But he always comes back to the letters.

He drew this all by himself! He went to lowe's with my brother and my hubby the other day before Halloween, and there was this big blow up ghost on display. He got really nervous and wouldn't go close to it haha! The next day he drew this. He said it was a scary ghost haha!
I was asleep in bed one morning, and he brought me the magnadoodle just like this. Totally uncoached, totally thought of by himself. It says apple :)

He continued to write letters with me that morning, and then he wrote this. It says mom and dad. :) Melt!
This is a person he drew.
Halloween costumes :) I thought the super why costume would be a huge hit, but it wasn't as cool to him as I thought it might be.
Our first snow storm! When he woke up he was glued to the window and wanted to go outside so bad! So we bundled him up and sent him out. First he walked all over the yard.

And inspected some snow.
Then proceeded to draw letters all over the yard. Haha!
Des and his cousin T were wrestling all weekend when we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Well, then little T decided he wanted in on the action too! So cute!
Naps with Grandma :). She loves it.
And I took this today :). He even took his blanket in with him!

That's my cute boy!!